Український антарктичний журнал. 2019 (2) ARCHIVE (All issues)
| Ukrainian antarctic journal 2019. Issue 2 |
- Artemenko G. V., Ganotzkiy V. I., Kanunikova L. I., Grechanovskaya E. E., Taraschan A. A. Occurrence of wolfram, copper, cobalt and gold mineralization in the area of the Argentine Islands (West Antarctica).
- Lithological and micropaleontological characteristic of the Stella Creek bottom sediments (Antarctic Peninsula western shelf).
- Marusazh Kh. I., Hlotov V. M., Siejka Z Monitoring of glacier frontal parts on Galindez and Winter Islands (the Argentine Islands) in 2018—2019 years.
- Preliminary results of the research of the Woozle Hill outcrop (West Antarctica).
- Chyhareva A., Krakovska S., Pishniak D. Climate projections over the Antarctic Peninsula region to the end of the 21st century. Part ІІ: wet/dry indices.
- Curmei M. D., Makarenko T. I., Melnyk V. I., Klishevich G. V. Methodology for determining climate change by analysis of impurity concentrations in the glacier.
- Zanimonskiy Y. M., Koloskov A. V., Yampolski Yu. M., Nykiel G., Sopin A. O., Zanimonskiy Y. Y. Relationship of variations of the total electron content of ionosphere in magnetically conjugated regions with precipitation of high-energy charged particles.
- Bogomaz O. V., Shulha M. O., Kotov D. V., Zhivolup T. G., Koloskov A. V., Zalizovski A. V., Kashcheyev S. B., Reznychenko A. I., Hairston M. R., Truhlik V. Ionosphere over Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station under minima of solar and magnetic activities, and daily insolation: case study for June 2019.
- Miryuta N., Wojciechowski K., Parnikoza I. Calculation of the external factors influence indices on plants and its application to Deschampsia antarctica Ė. Desv. populations.
- Giginyak Yu. G., Lukashanets Dz. A., Borodin O. I., Miamin V. E., Baichorov V. M. Energy content of sublittoral biologically-relevant resources in the East Antarctic seas.