Cybernetics and computer engineering. 2022 (3) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Cybernetics and computer engineering 2022. Issue 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Volkov O. Ye., Bogachuk Yu. P., Linder Ya. M., Taranukha V. Yu., Voloshenyuk D. O. Means for a Classification Technology of Synthetic Radar Images of Objects Hav-ing Complex Shapes.
- Stepashko V. S., Savchenko-Syniakova Ye. А., Pidnebesna H. А. Problem of Constructing an Ontological Metamodel of Iterative Group Method of Data Handling Algorithms.
- Gritcenko V. I., Sukhoruchkina O. N. From Command Control to the Autonomy of Mobile Robots.
- Kovalenko O. S., Averyanova O. A., Maresova T. A., Nenasheva L. V., Kupman L. A., Dvornitska D. O. The Use of Telemedicine Technologies to Create a Medical Information System for Medical and Social Care.
- Methodological Aspects of Using Normometrical Scaling for Multidimensional Assessment of Health Reserves.
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