Геотехнічна механіка. 2020 (153) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Geo-Technical Mechanics 2020. Issue 153 |
- Bulat A. II International Conference "Essays of Mining Science and Practice".
- Ahaiev R., Prytula D., Kliuiev E., Zhytlonok D., Cabana E., Kabakova L. The determination of the influence degree of mining-geological and mining-technical factors on the safety of the degassing system.
- Alkhdour A., Radkevych A., Tiutkin O., Bondarenko N. Prediction of the stress-strain state of circular workings in a layered massif by scaling.
- Ali M., Sun S., Qian W., Bohari A. D., Claire D., Faruwa A. R., Zhang Y. Borehole resistivity and induced polarization tomography at the canadian shield for mineral exploration in north-western sudbury.
- Askarova G., Shautenov M., Nogaeva K. Gravity enrichment of resistant gold-bearing ores.
- Balalaiev O. The role of microbiota in paleoecosystems for forming the molecular profile of coals.
- Begalinov A., Khomiakov V., Serdaliyev Y., Iskakov Y., Zhanbolato A. Formulation of methods reducing landslide phenomena and the collapse of career slopes during open-pit mining.
- Biliaiev M., Biliaieva V., Berlov O., Kozachyna V., Kirichenko P., Olatoye O. M., Poltoratska V. Modeling coal dust dispersion from pile with protection barriers.
- Boginska L., Hasii O., Yurchenko O., Shushkevych V. Environmental and economic aspects of the exploitation of roads by the mining industry.
- Bulat I., Pichko R. Civil legal aspects of the recodification of intellectual property rights.
- Dubinchyk O., Bannikov D., Kildieiev V., Kharchenko V. Geotechnical analysis of optimal parameters for foundations interacting with loess area.
- Fatehi F., Semenenko Y., Medvedieva O., Tatarko L., Khamynych O. Argumentation for critical parameters and operating modes in the process of underwater mining of placers.
- Fiala J., Lapka M., Fiala J., Mikolas M. Mining processes of brick products in the Сzech Republic.
- Filimonikhin G., Yatsun V., Filimonikhina I. Investigation of oscillations of platform on isotropic supports excited by a pendulum.
- Frolova L., Kharytonov M., Klimkina I., Kovrov O., Koveria A. Adsorption purification of waste water from chromium by ferrite manganese.
- Hristova T. Blockchain application in mining management.
- Ilin S., Adorska L., Pataraia D., Samusia V., Ilina S., Kholomeniuk M. Control of technical state of mine hoisting installations.
- Karman G., Oksen Y., Trofymova O., Komissarov Y., Dizhevskyi B., Radiuk M., Diakun I. Conversion of gas engine waste heat into cold using absorption chillers.
- Khakimov A., Kutumova G., Mirzaeva Z. Current trends in the development of automation surveying support in the construction of subways.
- Khang L. Q., Hung K. T., Hung N. P., Ton D. M. Research identify the group for lead – zinc ore type to prepare exploration in Ban Lim area, Caobang province, Vietnam.
- Kiriia R., Smirnov A., Zhyhula T., Zhelyazov T. Determination of the limiting angle of inclination of tubular belt conveyor.
- Kokoulin I., Bunko T., Yashchenko I., Papirnyk R., Belikov A., Myroshnychenko V., Otchenashev O. Identification of zones of influence of exogenous fire damaging factors.