Цитологія і генетика. 2023, 57 (4) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Cytology and genetics 2023. Issue 57 (4) |
- Role of BCR and FNBP1 proteins in phagocytosis as a model of membrane rearrangements in chronic myelogenous leukemia.
- Polymorphism of the Pinb-1 gene length in Aegilops biuncialis Vis..
- Expression of ribosomal protein kinase S6 (S6K1) isoforms in different types of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
- Role of calcium in brassinosteroid action during the induction of oxidative stress in tobacco.
- Meidansary M., Nasiri N., Shokri E., Askari H. Genic SSR development and diversity assessment of persian halophytic grass, Aeluropus littoralis.
- Liu H., Liu W., Xiao Q., Zhou Q., Li X., Yao Z., Wang A., Gao Q., Chen S. Comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of an alpine plant Triosteum pinnatifidum.
- Doğan M., Akbulut E., Gezdirici A., Eroz R., Bozdoğan S. T. Bialelic pathogenic (c.830G>A (p.r277Q)) variant disrupting the GNE gene function and causes Nonaka myopathy phenotype.
- Jaitan N., Lithanatudom P., Lithanatudom S. K. DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analysis of Ceylon oak with other fruit plants in Sapindaceae family.
- Wu Y., Wu H., Zhang G., Zhang C., Tang W., Hong S., Deng J., Wu W. Pooled mapping of quantitative trait loci conferring heat tolerance at seedling stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
- Spetsov P., Daskalova N. Genetic basis of pest resistance in wheatrye and triticale stocks.