Ukrainian botanical journal. 2023, 80 (4) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Ukrainian Botanical Journal 2023. Issue 80 (4) |
- de Lange P. J., Blanchon D. J. New combinations in Helichrysum simpsonii Kottaim. for the taxa described as H. selago var. acutum Cheeseman and H. selago var. tumidum Cheeseman (Asteraceae) from Aotearoa / New Zealand.
- Bezsmertna O. O., Iemelianova S. M., Bondarenko H. M., Hleb R. Y., Budzhak V. V., Danylyk I. M., Shtanko Y. O., Babytskiy A. I., Herasymchuk H. V., Loiko V. O., Merlenko N. O., Derkach V. V. Blechnum spicant (Blechnaceae) in the Ukrainian flora.
- New floristic finds in the Forest-Steppe part of Zhytomyr Region. Report II.
- Islomiddinov Z. Sh., Mustafaev I. M., Shirqulova J. P., Khabibullaev B. S., Lim Y. W. The first record of Pisolithus arhizus (Sclerodermataceae, Basidiomycota) in Central Asia.
- Does Larix polonica (Pinaceae) grow in Ukraine?.
- Teratogenesis of generative organs of cultivars of Rosa (Rosaceae) in the collection of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- Аnniversary of Professor Vira Protopopova.