Геотехнічна механіка. 2020 (154) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Geo-Technical Mechanics 2020. Issue 154 |
- Ali M., Sun S., Qian W., Bohari A. D., Claire D., Zhang Y. Geoelectrical tomography data processing and interpretation for Pb-Zn-Ag mineral exploration in Nash Creek, Canada.
- Askarova G., Shautenov M., Nogaeva K. Flotation enrichment of resistant gold ores.
- Dyrda V., Kobets A., Bulat I., Slobodian S., Lysytsia M., Sokol S., Lapin V., Ahaltsov H. Present problems of vibration isolation in heavy mining machines at long-term cyclic loads.
- Fiala J., Lapka M., Fiala J., Mikolas M. Transport routes on technological lines and following problems.
- Frolova L., Shapa M., Butyrina T., Savchenko M., Hrydnieva T. Investigation of ultrasonic treatment of wastewater from iron compounds.
- Gasii G., Hasii O., Klimenko V. Testing of the combined structural elements of support of a mine opening.
- Hovorukha V., Zhelyazov T. Assessment of the stability and loading indicators of two-axle mine cars and rail tracks.
- Kirsanov M., Diakun I., Ruban V., Skosyriev V., Zhevzhyk O. Estimation of usage efficiency of freon-steam turbines in mine energy complexes.
- Kolesnyk V., Pavlychenko A., Borysovska O., Buchavyi Y., Kulikova D. Justification of the method of dust emissions localization on mobile crushing and sorting complexes of quarries with the use of air-and-water ejectors.
- Korovin V., Pohorielov Y., Shestak Y., Valiaiev O., Cortina J. L. Kinetics of scandium recovery by TVEX-TBP from the solution formed after the salt chlorinator cake leaching.
- Kratkovskyi I., Yefremov E., Ishchenko K., Khomeriki S. X-ray diffraction method application to assess the energy losses on explosive-rock contact under various blasting.
- Kravets V., Samusia V., Kolosov D., Bas K., Onyshchenko S. Discrete mathematical model of travelling wave of conveyor transport.
- Krukovskyi O., Krukovska V., Zhang W. Outburst cavity formation in the working face driven along the outburst-prone coal seam.
- Kwilinski O., Zaloznova Y., Trushkina N., Rynkevych N. Organizational and methodological support for Ukrainian coal enterprises marketing activity improvement.
- Lapshin Y., Blyuss B., Dziuba S., Tatarko L. The choice of mining development strategy based on the improved Byes criterion.
- Mirnyi S., Polevoy O., Zinchenko A., Pylypenko A., Vlasenko V. Numerical simulation of flow-induced acoustic oscillations around circular cylinders.
- Monastyrskyi V., Monastyrskyi S., Nomerovskyi D., Mostovyi B. Belt conveyor failure simulation at the design stage with transverse displacementsof the belt.
- Musiienko S., Palamarchuk T., Prokhorets L., Kurinnyi V. Scientific and technical aspects of grouting of marginal rocks of mine workings.
- Nadutyi V., Chеlyshkinа V., Sukhariev V., Haddad J. Energy estimation of the interaction of a roller vibratory classifier’s blade with crushed rock mass for solving design problems.
- Nechytailo M., Nahorna O., Nesterova O. The grounds for the modification of membranes with the help of quantum mechanical calculation method.
- Pylypenko Y., Konstantynova I., Оzet K. Complex spectral-acoustic monitoring of the state of fluid-saturated coal-rock mass.
- Rakishev B., Kenzhetayev Z., Shampikova A., Toktaruly B. Increasing of filtration characteristics of ore bodies in borehole uranium mining.
- Sobko B., Lozhnikov O., Drebenshtedt C. Investigation of the influence of flooded bench hydraulic mining parameters on sludge pond formation in the pit residual space.
- Voloshyn O., Biliaiev M., Biliaieva V., Kozachyna V., Berlov O., Rusakova T., Kalashnikov I. Numerical model to simulate ventilation of dead-end mine working with brattice.