Геотехнічна механіка. 2020 (155) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Geo-Technical Mechanics 2020. Issue 155 |
- Medvedieva O., Lapshyn Y., Koval N., Zeynullin A., Gupalo O. The resource-saving technology to restore the accumulation ability of tailing ponds.
- Minin I. Research on the relative productivity of a drum mill type SAG 8.5x5.3.
- Nehrii S., Nehrii T., Kultaev S., Zolotarova O. Providing resistance of protection means on the soft adjoining rocks.
- Petrenko V., Tiutkin O., Heletiuk I., Tkach T. The new approach in evaluating the mechanism of the blast effect and organizing the blasting operations while tunneling.
- Petrov P., Velev G., Ivanov K. Approach for preliminary determination of the type and number of vertical rods in grounding installations.
- Pukala R., Vnukova N., Tokhtamysh T., Yaholnytskyi O., Hranko K. Evaluation of the creditworthiness of extractive industry companies.
- Pymonenko D. Influence of paleodislocation intensity and modern movements on the stressed state of massif.
- Rakishev B., Rakisheva Z., Auezova A., Orynbay A. Automated determination of internal points of the coordinate grid of the blasted rock mass.
- Rysbekov K., Toktarov A., Kalybekov T., Moldabayev S., Yessezhulov T., Bakhmagambetova G. Mine planning subject to prepared ore reserves rationing.
- Saik P., Dychkovskyi R., Lozynskyi V., Falshtynskyi V., Cabana E., Hrytsenko L. Studying the features of the implementation of underground coal gasification technology in terms of Lvivvuhillia SE.
- Semenenko Y., Demchenko T., Pavlichenko A. Calculation of the maximum velocity of gravity flow in the pond-clarifier with higher aquatic plants.
- Shevchenko H., Shevchenko V., Holobokyi S. Development of a mathematical model of a vibrating polyfrequency screen as a dynamic system with distributed parameters.
- Sielski A., Bezruchko K., Pymonenko L., Burchak O., Karhapolov A., Baranovskyi V. Redistribution and realization of energy at different scale-hierarchical levels of coalrock massif.
- Skipochka S., Serhiienko V., Amelin V., Sytnichenko O., Faucher T. Technological solutions for mining of off-balance gypsum reserves in difficult geological conditions.
- Slashchov I., Slashchov A., Siromaschenko I., Kurinnyi V., Ikonnikov M. Development of digital technologies for the systems of remote mining safety monitoring.
- Stryzhak O., Akhmedova O., Sushchenko O., Pokolodna M. Industrial property management: sectorial aspect.
- Tukhtamov I., Beisebaev N., Bazhanov B., Orynbay A., Shampikova A. Improving the effectiveness of explosives using a dispersed air gap.
- Voloshyn O., Onika S., Riabtsev O., Protsak S., Nykyforuk O. Determination of some mining parameters of the long wall for the effective use of plough systems in the Western Donbas mines.
- Yelemessov K., Krupnik L., Bortebayev S., Beisenov B., Baskanbayeva D., Igbayeva A. Polymer concrete and fibre concrete as efficient materials for manufacture of gear cases and pumps.
- Zberovskyi V., Sofiiskyi K., Stasevych R., Pazynych A., Pinka I., Sidorova M. The results of monitoring of hydroimpulsive disintegration of outburst-prone coal seams using ZUA-98 system.
- Zhevzhyk O., Kholiavchenko L., Davydov S., Potapchuk I., Kabakova L., Gupalo O., Pertsevyi V., Morozova N. Mathematical modeling of heating of coal particle within the space between electrodes of arc-heating reactor.
- Zidek M., Vokurka M. Specific issues with liquidation of the mineral deposit in Vazany by the Kromeriz.
- Zybailo S., Ved V., Shapovalov D. Features of process of epoxidation of natural rubber scrap in water-xylene.