Mathematical modeling and computing. 2023, 10 (2) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Mathematical Modeling and Computing 2023. Issue 10 (2) |
- Contents.
- Meziani T., Mohdeb N. Dynamical behavior of predator-prey model with non-smooth prey harvesting.
- Tokarchuk M. V. Unification of kinetic and hydrodynamic approaches in the theory of dense gases and liquids far from equilibrium.
- Elkaf M., Allali K. Fractional derivative model for tumor cells and immune system competition.
- Bounkaicha C., Allali K., Tabit Y., Danane J. Global dynamic of spatio-temporal fractional order SEIR model.
- Adi Y. A., Irsalinda N., Wiraya A., Sugiyarto S., Rafsanjani Z. A. An epidemic model with viral mutations and vaccine interventions.
- Kamilu K., Sulaiman M. I., Muhammad A. L., Mohamad A. W., Mamat M. Performance evaluation of a novel Conjugate Gradient Method for training feed forward neural network.
- El Moutaouakil K., Ahourag A., Chakir S., Kabbaj Z., Chellack S., Cheggour M., Baizri H. Hybrid firefly genetic algorithm and integral fuzzy quadratic programming to an optimal Moroccan diet.
- Vavrukh M., Dzikovskyi D., Stelmakh O. Analytical images of Kepler’s equation solutions and their applications.
- Kumar R., Kumar S. Multi-criteria decision making based on novel distance measure in intuitionistic fuzzy environment.
- El Baz O., Ait Ichou M., Laarabi H., Rachik M. Stability analysis of a fractional model for the transmission of the cochineal.
- Gayvas B. I., Markovych B. M., Dmytruk A. A., Havran M. V., Dmytruk V. A. Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes in a capillary-porous body during contact drying.
- Vishalakshi A. B., Kopp M. I., Mahabaleshwar U. S., Sarris I. E. Ternary hybrid nanofluid flow caused by thermal radiation and mass transpiration in a porous stretching/shrinking sheet.
- Zambrano M. A numerical evaluation of the temperature of a solidification point in ingot casting processes.
- Slyusarenko Yu. V., Ryzha I. A., Kirdin A. I. Nonlinear dynamics of kinetic fluctuations and quasi-linear relaxation in plasma.
- Musii R. S., Zhydyk U. V., Drohomyretska Kh. T., Svidrak I. H., Shynder V. K. Temperature stresses in a rectangular two-layer plate under the action of a locally distributed temperature field.
- Yanishevskyi V. S., Nodzhak L. S. Fractional Brownian motion in financial engineering models.
- Khoma I. B., Gaiduchok O. V., Markovych Kh. M. Modeling the financial flows impact on the diagnosis of an enterprise’s economic security level.
- Nakonechnyi O. G., Kudin G. I., Zinko P. M., Zinko T. P., Shusharin J. V. Guaranteed root mean square estimates of linear matrix equations solutions under conditions of uncertainty.
- Achtaich K., Achtaich N., Fagroud F. Z., Toumi H. ALMA: Machine learning breastfeeding chatbot.
- Addou K., El Ghoumari M. Y., Achkdir S., Azzouazi M. A decentralized model to ensure traceability and sustainability of the food supply chain by combining blockchain, IoT, and machine learning.
- Banou Z., Elfilali S., Benlahmar H. Towards a polynomial approximation of support vector machine accuracy applied to Arabic tweet sentiment analysis.
- Es Swidi A., Ardchir S., Daif A., Azouazi M. Road users detection for traffic congestion classification.
- Ghazouani M., Azzouazi M., Lamhour M. A. A drip irrigation prediction system in a greenhouse based on long short-term memory and connected objects.
- Jannani A., Sael N., Benabbou F. Machine learning for the analysis of quality of life using the World Happiness Index and Human Development Indicators.
- Meftah M., Ounacer S., Ardchir S., El Ghazouani M., Azzouazi M. Revolutionizing supermarket services with hierarchical association rule mining.
- Merzouk S., Gandoul R., Marzak A., Sael N. Toward new data for IT and IoT project management method prediction.
- Ouiss M., Ettaoufik A., Marzak A., Tragha A. Genetic algorithm parenting fitness.
- Tace Y., Elfilali S., Tabaa M., Leghris C. Implementation of smart irrigation using IoT and Artificial Intelligence.
- Dmytryshyn L. I., Dmytryshyn M. I., Olejnik A. Model of money income diffusion in the European integration context.
- Mokni K., Ben Ali H., Ch-Chaoui M. Complex dynamics and chaos control in a nonlinear discrete prey-predator model.