Геотехнічна механіка. 2022 (161) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Geo-Technical Mechanics 2022. Issue 161 |
- Contents.
- Semenenko Ye. V., Tepla T. D., Medianyk V. Yu., Roman S. H., Kozhantov A. U. Assessing the dynamic sedimentation stability of structured suspensions made of polydisperse material with different density fraction.
- Krukovska V. V. Numerical analysis of influence of coal seams water saturation after water injection on their outburst hazard.
- Ilin S. R., Adorska L. H., Pataraia D., Ilina I. S. Risk-forming factors and processes at the stages of the life cycle of hoisting equipment in the mine vertical shafts.
- Zberovskyi V. V., Chetveryk M. S., Vlasenko V. V., Zmiievska K. O., Dudlia K. Ye. Evaluation of the advanced degassing in the affected zones of deformation processes.
- Yelisieiev V. I., Lutsenko V. I., Sovit Yu. P. Diffusion mass transfer at low-frequency liquid oscillations in capillaries.
- Babii K. V., Cholyshkina V. V., Usov O. O., Kurilov V. S. Magnetic hydroseparation instead of desliming for the conditions of Northern GOK.
- Minieiev S. P., Demchenko S. V., Oparin S. V., Makarenko R. V. Composition and quantity of combustion products determining in the coal self-ignition process.
- Fedoskina O. V., Franchuk V. P., Fedoskin V. О., Haddad J. S. Improvingthe efficiency of the impact crusher with inclined working chamber.
- Stasevych R., Tyshchenko N., Tyshchenko E., Mukha О., Ahaiev R. Energy resources and explosion safety ensuring of tpp when using stations control of ball drum mill.
- Rudniev Ye. S., Antoshchenko M. I., Filatieva E. N., Filatiev M. V., Tarasov V. Yu. Metamorphism of coals, stages of transformation of coal seams and their hazardous properties.
- Serhiienko V., Amelin V., Trypolskyі V. Simulation of work of combined support system in complex mining-and-geological conditions.
- Kokoulin I. Ye. Readiness of mine to emergency situations and conception of "zero risk".
- Skipochka S. I., Palamarchuk T. A., Prokhorets L. V., Kurinniy V. P. Study of the thermodynamic parameters influence on the phase state of methane in coal.
- Makeiev S. Yu., Kurnosov S. A., Ryzhov H. O., Nazieh H. Control of wave processes in the rock environment to reduce the risk of gas dynamic phenomena.
- Bezruchko K. A., Pymonenko L. I., Burchak О. V., Baranovskyi V. I., Chelkan V. V. The impact of geological factors on the sorption capacity of gas and fat ranks of coal in the Krasnoarmeyskiy district.