Геотехнічна механіка. 2022 (162) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Geo-Technical Mechanics 2022. Issue 162 |
- Contents.
- Bubnova O. A. Geomechanical and geodetic methods of prediction of changes in the state of the geological environment in the mining region.
- Hovorukha V. V., Hovorukha A. V., Sobko T. P., Semyditna L. P. Method for studying spatial vibrations of a vehicle during its movement along the rail track on separate supports with elastic-dissipative and inertial propertie.
- Larionov G. I., Zemlianaia Yu. V. On one method of multiplicative models elaboration during experiments.
- Kopach P. I., Yakubenko L. V., Mormul T. M., Danko T. T., Gorobets N. V., Halchenko Z. S. Assessment of natural resource potential of territories disturbed by mining works in the context of effective use of post-technogenic landscape.
- Rubel A. O. Research of operation features and development of requirements for maintenance of structures of rope-profile guides in the shaft equipment.
- Minieiev S. P., Usov O. O., Poliakov Yu. Ye. The possibilities to estimate hydroloosening efficiency by asymptotic form of barodynamic curve.
- Minieiev S. P., Vasyliev L. M., Trohymets N. Ya., Maltseva V. Ye., Polushyna M. V. Justification of the parameters of rotary-vibration drilling of small-diameter boreholes in rocks based on a submersible cavitation hydrovibrator.
- Ishkov V. V., Kozii Ye. S., Kozar M. А. Features of vanadium geochemistry in oils from the oil and gas fields of eastern region of Ukraine.
- Rubel A. O., Kuraieva O. V. Research and development of the structures of highly loaded bunton dampers to decrease dynamic effects in the "vehicle–reinforcement" system.
- Semenenko Ye. V., Medvedieva O. O., Biliaiev M. M., Rusakova T. I., Kozachyna V. A. Mathematical model for express evaluation of process of dust air pollution in tailing facility.
- Stefanovych L. I., Feldman E. P., Mazur O. Yu. Influence of gas-filled fracturеs on the electrical conductivity of coal at direct current.
- Malieiev Ye. V., Levchenko K. S. Research of the impact of open-pit mining on the land and water resources in Kryvbas.
- Imashev A., Kebal Ya., Kebal A. Problems of dumping technology in the inundated open pit space in conditions of surface deformation.
- Kokoulin I. Ye., Ponomarenko V. V. The risk reducing of miners evacuation in case of an accident with aerological impact.
- Ishkov V. V., Kozii Ye. S., Chernobuk O. I., Pashchenko P. S. The relationship of germanium concentrations and the thickness of the с_8.
- Вихідні відомості.