Biotechnologia Acta. 2023, 16 (4) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2023. Issue 16 (4) |
- Title.
- Content.
- Borzova N. V., Varbanets L. D. Microbial α-L-rhamnosidases: classification, distribution, properties and practical application.
- Buchatskyi L. P., Zaloilo O. V., Zaloilo I. A., Nedosekov V. V., Rud Yu. P. Vesiculoviruses as a tool of biotechnology.
- Shchenyavskyi I. Yo. Prospects for the use of umbilical cord blood in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Nitovska І. О., Palekha D. Yu., Morgun B. V. Peculiarities of green fluorescent protein transgene detection in tobacco and maize plants by PCR.
- Dandapat S., Kumar M., Srivastava R., Sinha M. P. Molecular identification and antibacterial activity of macrofungus to Trametes sanguine (L.).
- Ivchenko Ye., Mitina N. Influence of some physico-chemical factors on the biosynthesis of amylolitic enzymes of streptomycete origin.