Biotechnologia Acta. 2023, 16 (6) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2023. Issue 16 (6) |
- Title.
- Content.
- Kapustianenko L. G., Tykhomyrov A. O. Biomedical application of K5 plasminogen fragment.
- Pirog T. P., Ivanov M. S. Influence of biological inductors on the synthesis and biological activity of microbial metabolites.
- Golembiovska O. I., Bespalova O. Ya., Prosvetova A. B., Samsonenko S. M., Poyedynok N. L. Mechanisms of antiviral activity of flavonoids.
- Klyuchko O. M., Lizunov G. V., Beloshitsky P. V. Radiation and hypoxia studies: effects of high-energy atmospheric particles on biological organisms and possibilities of their rehabilitation.
- Dovhyi R., Rudy M., Hurmac Ye., Serhiichuk T., Yumyna Yu., Dvukhriadkina A., Ostrovska K., Pjanova D., Skivka L. Polarized activation of human peripheral blood phagocytes by bacteriophage-derived double-stranded RNA (Larifan) in vitro.
- Zhukova D. A., Hrabovskyi O. O. Complexation of curcumin with bovine serum albumin and diphtheria toxoid CRM197.
- Atamanchuk A. R., Bisko N. A. Dynamics of the phenolic constituents and antioxidant activity in submerged cultures of Xylaria species.