Mathematical modeling and computing. 2023, 10 (3) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Mathematical Modeling and Computing 2023. Issue 10 (3) |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Azouagh N., El Melhaoui S. Mathematical modeling and statistical analysis of Moroccan mean annual rainfall using EXPAR processes.
- Benmir M., Bellaj K., Boujena S., Volpert V. Multi-scale hybrid and agent-based modeling of cell differentiation.
- Boumahdi M., Ouassou I., Rachdi M. Generalized regression function for surrogate scalar response.
- Bouzaachane K., Darouichi A., El Guarmah E. Deep learning for photovoltaic panels segmentation.
- El Mourtji B., Chamlal H., Ouaderhman T. Statistical analysis of three new measures of relevance redundancy and complementarity.
- Chemlal Y., Azouazi M. Implementing quality assurance practices in teaching machine learning in higher education.
- Bouziane S., Lotfi E. M., Hattaf K., Yousfi N. Stability analysis and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed prey-predator model with Hattaf-Yousfi functional response and Allee effect.
- Nasr N., Moussaid N., Gouasnouane O. A game theory approach for joint blind deconvolution and inpainting.
- Lmakri A., Akharif A., Mellouk A. Estimation in short-panel data models with bilinear errors.
- Ouaderhman T., Aaboub F., Chamlal H. PROMETHEE filter-based method for microarray gene expression data.
- Chamlal H., Benzmane A., Ouaderhman T. Feature screening algorithm for high dimensional data.
- El Hadadi K., Elmoumen S., Benzekri S., Idrissi O. Air traffic modeling and optimization by solving two new models with a modified algorithm.
- Bellaj K., Benmir M., Boujena S. Enhancing image inpainting through image decomposition and deep neural networks.
- Ouaderhman T., Chamlal H., Oubaouzine A. Important subgraph discovery using non-dominance criterion.
- Sakkoum A., Lhous M., Rachik M., Tridane A. Discrete mathematical modeling and optimal control of the marital status: Islamic polygamous marriage model case.
- Adil N., Lakhbab H. A new improved simulated annealing for traveling salesman problem.
- Smouk A., Radid A., Soufyane A. A numerical study of swelling porous thermoelastic media with second sound.
- Kiouach D., El-idrissi S. E. A., Sabbar Y. A mathematical study of the COVID-19 propagation through a stochastic epidemic model.
- Guero A.-M. M., Chiba Z., Abghour N. Challenges and issues for Internet of Things (IoT): recent survey.
- Aoulad O. F., Tajani C. A new algorithm for solving Toeplitz linear systems.
- El-Aqqad B., Oudaani J., El Mouatasim A. Dynamic von Karman equations with viscous damping.
- Kafi O. A numerical 3D fluid-structure interaction model for blood flow in an atherosclerotic carotid artery.
- Tial M. Integral of an extension of the sine addition formula.
- Khaloufi I., Benfatah Y., Lafif M., Ghazaoui A., Rachik M. Optimal control strategy for the administration of the third vaccine dose in the treatment of pandemic COVID-19.
- Lahgazi M. J., Argoul P., Hakim A. Improving pedestrian segmentation using region proposal-based CNN semantic segmentation.
- Chakkour T. Some inverse problem remarks of a continuous-in-time financial model in L1(|tl, Θmax|).
- Marouane K., Ben Rhila S., Kouidere A., Rachik M. Tikhonov regularization for a spatiotemporal model of the human monkeypox outbreak.
- Aatif E., El Mouatasim A. European option pricing under model involving slow growth volatility with jump.
- Belemou R., Sbitti A., Jaouahri M, Marigo J.-J. Homogenization of the Helmholtz problem in the presence of a row of viscoelastic inclusions.
- Musii R., Zhydyk U., Svidrak I., Shynder V., Morska N. Determination and analysis of the thermoelastic state of layered orthotropic cylindrical shells.
- Sokil B. I., Senyk A. P., Sokil M. B., Lisnichuk A. Ye. Method of normal oscillations and substantiation of the choice of parameters for certain nonlinear systems with two degrees of freedom.
- Moumine E. M., Balatif O., Rachik M. Modeling and mathematical analysis of drug addiction with the study of the effect of psychological and biological treatment.
- El Mansouri A., Smouni I., Khajji B., Labzai A., Belam M. Mathematical modeling and optimal control strategy for the monkeypox epidemic.
- El Ghabi M., Alaa H., Alaa N. E. Semilinear periodic equation with arbitrary nonlinear growth and data measure: mathematical analysis and numerical simulation.
- Najm F., Yafia R., Aziz Alaoui M. A., Aghriche A., Moussaoui A. A survey on constructing Lyapunov functions for reaction-diffusion systems with delay and their application in biology.
- Dzyuba A. P., Safronova I. А., Sirenko V. N., Torskyy A. R. Parameter optimization decomposition and synthesis algorithm for a bundle of rotation shells connected with a ring frame.
- Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., Ryzha I. A. Mathematical modeling of changes in density of near-surface ionic layers in semi-infinite metals. Equations for displacements of ionic layers.