Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії. 2023, 21 (1) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Journal of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry 2023. Issue 21 (1) |
- Oksiuta O. V., Pashenko A. E., Smalii R. V., Volochnyuk D. M., Ryabukhin S. V. Heterocyclization vs coupling reactions: a DNA-encoded libraries case.
- Jordaan M. A., Ebenezer O. Biological activities of tetrahydroisoquinolines derivatives.
- Kovtun-Vodyanytska S. M., Levchuk I. V., Rakhmetov D. B., Golubets O. V. Chemical components of essential oils from aerial parts of Pycnanthemum virginianum and p. californicum (Lamiaceae) plants.
- Rustemkulov A. G., Gontova T. M., Makhatova B. G., Rustemkulova A. E., Datkhayev U. M. , Коshovyi О. M. Standardization parameters of Alfredia nivea KAR.&KIR herb.
- Suleiman M. M., Fedosov А. I., Mohapatra R. K., Sych I. A., Grinevich L. O., Kobzar N. P., Yaremenko V. D., Perekhoda L. O. The search for potential SARS-COV-2 inhibitors using the in silico research.