інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Український біохімічний журнал
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2011, Т. 83, № 1)
Minchenko D. O., Hubenya O. V., Terletsky B. M., Moenner M., Minchenko O. H.
Effect of glutamine or glucose deprivation on the expression of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase genes in glioma cell line U87 and its subline with suppressed activity of signalling enzyme of endoplasmic reticulum–nuclei-1
Minchenko, D. O., Hubenya, O. V., Terletsky, B. M., Moenner, M., Minchenko, O. H. (2011). Effect of glutamine or glucose deprivation on the expression of cyclin and cyclin-dependent kinase genes in glioma cell line U87 and its subline with suppressed activity of signalling enzyme of endoplasmic reticulum–nuclei-1. The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal , 83 (1), 18-29. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000068291