The problems of economy / Issue (2014, 3)
Kyzym M. O., Shpilevskyi V. V., Khaustova V. Ye., Antonenko S. V., Matiushenko I. Yu. Opportunities and Hazards Posed by the Membership of Ukraine in the WTO for the Metallurgical Industry of the Economy in the Context of Collaboration with the Countries of the EU and the EurAsEC Customs Union
Cite: Kyzym, M. O., Shpilevskyi, V. V., Khaustova, V. Ye., Antonenko, S. V., Matiushenko, I. Yu. (2014). Opportunities and Hazards Posed by the Membership of Ukraine in the WTO for the Metallurgical Industry of the Economy in the Context of Collaboration with the Countries of the EU and the EurAsEC Customs Union. The problems of economy, 3, 89-99. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000257334 [In Ukrainian]. |