Героїзм versus святість: до проблеми міфологізму в літературознавчій рецепції життєвого й творчого шляху Лесі Українки / Левченко Г. Д. (2013)

English  Problems of Literary Criticism   /     Issue (2013, 87)

Levchenko H. D.
Heroism versus Sanctity: to the Problem of Mythologism in the Reception of Literary Criticism of Lesya Ukrainka's Life and Creative Work

Levchenko, H. D. (2013). Heroism versus Sanctity: to the Problem of Mythologism in the Reception of Literary Criticism of Lesya Ukrainka's Life and Creative Work. Problems of Literary Criticism, 87, 381-392. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000259825 [In Ukrainian].


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