інтернет-адреса сторінки:
The Ukrainian biochemical journal
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2014, Vol. 86, № 5)
Martynenko O. I., Kyrylenko T. K., Zaimenko N. V., Antonyuk M. M., Stepanyugin A. V., Plodnik D. P., Hovorun D. M.
Relationship between RNA/DNA ratio, growth rate and accumulation of selenium in the cells of wheat leaves under the influence of minerals analcime and trepel
Martynenko, O. I., Kyrylenko, T. K., Zaimenko, N. V., Antonyuk, M. M., Stepanyugin, A. V., Plodnik, D. P., Hovorun, D. M. (2014). Relationship between RNA/DNA ratio, growth rate and accumulation of selenium in the cells of wheat leaves under the influence of minerals analcime and trepel. The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal , 86 (5), 89-94. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000303247