Финансовый леверидж как инструмент оценки риска формирования финансовой структуры капитала торгового предприятия / Дядюк М. А., Круглова Е. А., Фощан В. В. (2014)

English  Business Inform   /     Issue (2014, 9)

Djadjuk M. A., Kruglova E. A., Foshchan V. V.
Financial Leverage as a Tool to Assess the Risk of Formation of Financial Capital Structure of Commercial Enterprise

Djadjuk, M. A., Kruglova, E. A., Foshchan, V. V. (2014). Financial Leverage as a Tool to Assess the Risk of Formation of Financial Capital Structure of Commercial Enterprise. Business Inform, 9, 272-278. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000320921 [In Russian].


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