Статус в отношении курения глазами самого человека и членов его семьи: методы оценивания / Андреева Т., Захожая В., Харченко Н. (2011)
| Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing / Issue (2011, 1)
Andreeva T., Zakhozhaja V., Kharchenko N. Smoking status from the viewpoint of an individual and members of his family: evaluation methods
Cite: Andreeva, T., Zakhozhaja, V., Kharchenko, N. (2011). Smoking status from the viewpoint of an individual and members of his family: evaluation methods. Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing , 1, 116-126. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000325719 [In Russian]. |