інтернет-адреса сторінки:
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2015, Vol. 87, № 3)
Pushkarev V. V., Starenki D. V., Pushkarev V. M., Kovzun O. I., Tronko M. D.
Inhibitor of the transcription factor NF-κB, DHMEQ, enhances the effect of paclitaxel on cells of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in vitro and in vivo
Pushkarev, V. V., Starenki, D. V., Pushkarev, V. M., Kovzun, O. I., Tronko, M. D. (2015). Inhibitor of the transcription factor NF-κB, DHMEQ, enhances the effect of paclitaxel on cells of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal , 87 (3), 63-74. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000423893