Причины разрушения и способы упрочнения медных плит кристаллизаторов МНЛЗ / Кожемякин В. Г., Шаповалов В. А., Бурнашев В. Р., Жиров Д. М., Ботвинко Д. В. (2014)

English  Electrometallurgy Today   /     Issue (2014, 4)

Kozhemjakin V. G., Shapovalov V. A., Burnashev V. R., Zhirov D. M., Botvinko D. V.
Causes of fracture and methods of hardening of copper plates of moulds of machines of continuous casting of billets

Kozhemjakin, V. G., Shapovalov, V. A., Burnashev, V. R., Zhirov, D. M., Botvinko, D. V. (2014). Causes of fracture and methods of hardening of copper plates of moulds of machines of continuous casting of billets. Electrometallurgy Today, 4, 37-45. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000474068 [In Russian].


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