інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Experimental oncology
А - 2020 /
Випуск (2016, Vol. 38, № 1)
Lozynskyy R. Y., Lozynska M. R., Hontar Y. V., Huleyuk N. L., Maslyak Z. V., Novak V. L.
Study of cytogenetic abnormalities in G-CSF stimulated peripheral blood cells and non-stimulated bone marrow cells of patients with myelofibrosis
Lozynskyy, R. Y., Lozynska, M. R., Hontar, Y. V., Huleyuk, N. L., Maslyak, Z. V., Novak, V. L. (2016). Study of cytogenetic abnormalities in G-CSF stimulated peripheral blood cells and non-stimulated bone marrow cells of patients with myelofibrosis. Experimental Oncology, 38 (1), 40-44. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000490955