Значение международных периодических изданий для повышения цитируемости отечественных публикаций / Хренова Г. С., Ярошук В. И. (2016)

English  Libraries of national Academies of Sciences: problems of functioning, tendencies of development   /     Issue (2016, 13)

Khrenova G. S., Jaroshuk V. I.
Significance of international periodicals in increasing of citation index for native country' researchers publications

Khrenova, G. S., Jaroshuk, V. I. (2016). Significance of international periodicals in increasing of citation index for native country' researchers publications. Libraries of national Academies of Sciences: problems of functioning, tendencies of development, 13, 219-227. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000492489 [In Russian].


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