інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Biotechnologia Acta
Б - 2019 /
Випуск (2016, Vol. 9, № 3)
Didenko G. V., Lisovenko G. S., Krutz O. O., Cheremshenko N. L., Voeykova I. M., Potebnya G. P.
Antitumor and antimetastatic efficiency of antitumor vaccine and amixin combined action in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma
Didenko, G. V., Lisovenko, G. S., Krutz, O. O., Cheremshenko, N. L., Voeykova, I. M., Potebnya, G. P. (2016). Antitumor and antimetastatic efficiency of antitumor vaccine and amixin combined action in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. Biotechnologia Acta, 9 (3), 76-83. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000589651