Восстановительное лечение цервикогенной головной боли на фоне синдрома дисплазии соединительнй ткани у детей младшего школьного возраста / Горша О. В., Короленко Н. В. (2015)

English  Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology   /     Issue (2015, 3(1))

Gorsha O. V., Korolenko N. V.
Rehabilitation treatment of cervicogenic headaches against the background of the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia in children of primary school age

Gorsha, O. V., Korolenko, N. V. (2015). Rehabilitation treatment of cervicogenic headaches against the background of the syndrome of connective tissue dysplasia in children of primary school age. Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology, 3(1), 55-58. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000625879 [].


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