Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu / Issue (2016, 268)
Krakovska S. V., Hnatiuk N. V., Shpytal T. M., Palamarchuk L. V. Projections of surface air temperature changes based on data of regional climate models' ensemble in the regions of Ukraine in the 21st century
Cite: Krakovska, S. V., Hnatiuk, N. V., Shpytal, T. M., Palamarchuk, L. V. (2016). Projections of surface air temperature changes based on data of regional climate models' ensemble in the regions of Ukraine in the 21st century. Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu, 268, 33-44. [In Ukrainian]. |