Організаційно-економічні інструменти екологізації регіонального розвитку / Приходько В. П. (2012)
| Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development / Issue (2012, 2012)
Prykhodko V. P. Organizational and economic resources greening regional development
Cite: Prykhodko, V. P. (2012). Organizational and economic resources greening regional development. Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2012, 170-175. [In Ukrainian]. | Structure and electrochemical properties of aqueous suspensions of functionalized single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes / Ritter U., Tsierkezos N. G., Prylutskyy Yu. I., Cherepanov V. V., Senenko A. I., Marchenko A. A., Naumovets A. G. (2014)
інтернет-адреса сторінки: Український фізичний журнал А - 2018 / Випуск (2014, Т. 59, № 4)
Ritter U., Tsierkezos N. G., Prylutskyy Yu. I., Cherepanov V. V., Senenko A. I., Marchenko A. A., Naumovets A. G. Structure and electrochemical properties of aqueous suspensions of functionalized single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes
Cite: Ritter, U., Tsierkezos, N. G., Prylutskyy, Yu. I., Cherepanov, V. V., Senenko, A. I., Marchenko, A. A., Naumovets, A. G. (2014). Structure and electrochemical properties of aqueous suspensions of functionalized single- and multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 59 (4), 433-438. |