Влияние износа резца на вероятность его разрушения при чистовом точении закаленных сталей режущими пластинами из композита cBN/Si3N4 / Стахнив Н. Е., Девин Л. Н. (2016)

English  Tooling materials science   /     Issue (2016, 19)

Stakhniv N. E., Devin L. N.
Study of cBN based composite cutters wearing and its influence on the fracture tool probability at the fine turning of the hardened steels

Stakhniv, N. E., Devin, L. N. (2016). Study of cBN based composite cutters wearing and its influence on the fracture tool probability at the fine turning of the hardened steels. Tooling materials science, 19, 415-420. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000713080 [In Russian].


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