інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Физика низких температур
А - 2019 /
Випуск (2017, Т. 43, № 8)
Balbashov A. M., Voronchikhina M. E., Iskhakova L. D., Ivanov V. Yu., Mukhin A. A.
Single crystals growth of hexaferrits M-type MTixCoxFe12–2xO19 (M = Ba, Sr) by floating zone and investigation of their magnetic and magnetoelectric properties
Balbashov, A. M., Voronchikhina, M. E., Iskhakova, L. D., Ivanov, V. Yu., Mukhin, A. A. (2017). Single crystals growth of hexaferrits M-type MTixCoxFe12–2xO19 (M = Ba, Sr) by floating zone and investigation of their magnetic and magnetoelectric properties. Low Temperature Physics, 43 (8), 1207-1213. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000762150