Исследование влияния свойств мелкофракционных шихтовых материалов на их уплотнение в валковых брикетных прессах / Маймур Б. Н., Муравьева И. Г., Петренко В. И., Ващенко С. В. (2014)

English  Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy   /     Issue (2014, 28)

Majmur B. N., Muraveva I. G., Petrenko V. I., Vashchenko S. V.
Investigation of the influence of properties of small fraction of charge materials on their seal roller briquetting presses

Majmur, B. N., Muraveva, I. G., Petrenko, V. I., Vashchenko, S. V. (2014). Investigation of the influence of properties of small fraction of charge materials on their seal roller briquetting presses. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy, 28, 310-325. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000839709 [In Russian].


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