Перспективы и реальность применения комбинированных технологий упрочнения и нанесения покрытий для упрочнения деталей машиностроения и в инструментальном производстве (II. Теоретические и системные аспекты) / Костюк Г. И. (2004)

English  Physical surface engineering   /     Issue (2004, 2 (1-2))

Kostjuk G. I.
Prospects and reality of application of the combined technologies of hardening and drawing of coverings for hardening details of mechanical engineering and in tool manufacture (II. Theoretic and systems aspects)

Kostjuk, G. I. (2004). Prospects and reality of application of the combined technologies of hardening and drawing of coverings for hardening details of mechanical engineering and in tool manufacture (II. Theoretic and systems aspects). Physical surface engineering, 2 (1-2), 4-23. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000849728 [In Russian].


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