Bibliotechnyi visnyk / Issue (2018, 2)
Onyshchenko O., Dubrovina L. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine as the Center for Personnel Training in Higher Qualification and Development of New Scientific Directions in the Library and Archival Sectors in Ukraine (1993-2018) 1. Becoming and the Development of a System for Personnel Training in Higher Qualification at the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in 1993–2010 Years
Cite: Onyshchenko, O., Dubrovina, L. (2018). Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine as the Center for Personnel Training in Higher Qualification and Development of New Scientific Directions in the Library and Archival Sectors in Ukraine (1993-2018) 1. Becoming and the Development of a System for Personnel Training in Higher Qualification at the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in 1993–2010 Years. Bibliotechnyi visnyk, 2, 48-58. [In Ukrainian]. |