Обобщение форсайт-прогнозов развития рынков жидких углеводородов в мире и разработка консенсус-прогноза / Рудыка В. И., Лелюк А. В. (2018)

English  The problems of economy   /     Issue (2018, 2)

Rudyka V. I., Leljuk A. V.
Generalizing the Results of Foresight Studies on the Development of Markets for Liquid Hydrocarbons across the World and Forming Consensus Forecast

Rudyka, V. I., Leljuk, A. V. (2018). Generalizing the Results of Foresight Studies on the Development of Markets for Liquid Hydrocarbons across the World and Forming Consensus Forecast. The problems of economy, 2, 31-37. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000906428 [In Russian].


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