Особенности редактирования электроннного каталога ЦНБ НАН Беларуси в условиях работы в системе корпоративной каталогизации / Морозова И. (2018)

English  Libraries of national Academies of Sciences: problems of functioning, tendencies of development   /     Issue (2018, 16)

Morozova I.
Features of editing digital catalogue of the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of NAS of Belarus in system of corporate cataloging

Morozova, I. (2018). Features of editing digital catalogue of the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of NAS of Belarus in system of corporate cataloging. Libraries of national Academies of Sciences: problems of functioning, tendencies of development, 16, 117-126. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000941191 [In Russian].


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