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English  Folk art and ethnology    /     Issue (2019, 2)

Yurchenko V.
Tkachuk A., Datsyshyn M. Internal and External Resources for Developing a Community, or Why the Shortage of Money is Not a Primary Problem of a Community (an educational module). Kyiv: Legal Status, 2016, 152 pp.

Yurchenko, V. (2019). Tkachuk A., Datsyshyn M. Internal and External Resources for Developing a Community, or Why the Shortage of Money is Not a Primary Problem of a Community (an educational module). Kyiv: Legal Status, 2016, 152 pp. Folk art and ethnology , 2, 109-111. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000999981 [In Ukrainian].


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