Оцінка агресії національно-визвольних воєн – шлях до розуміння злочину у широкому смислі слова / Майснер А. В. (2016)

English  State and Law. Series : Legal Sciences   /     Issue (2016, 74)

Maisner A. V.
The article is aimed to prove the utility of the international-legal classification of such a crime as ‘aggression' in its wide sense

Maisner, A. V. (2016). The article is aimed to prove the utility of the international-legal classification of such a crime as ‘aggression' in its wide sense. State and Law. Series : Legal Sciences, 74, 433-441. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001066781 [In Ukrainian].


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