Особливості відносин ДПУ УСРР із православною церквою на Поділл / Добіжа В. В., Колесник О. В. (2017)

English  State and Law. Series : Political Sciences   /     Issue (2017, 78)

Dobizha V. V., Kolesnyk O. V.
Peculiarities of relations of the DPU of USSR with the orthodox church on the Season

Dobizha, V. V., Kolesnyk, O. V. (2017). Peculiarities of relations of the DPU of USSR with the orthodox church on the Season. State and Law. Series : Political Sciences, 78, 131-144. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001066935 [In Ukrainian].


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