Ukrainian Numismatic Annual / Issue (2019, 3)
Nadvirniak O., Pohorilets O. "Counterfeiting", "unofficial" or "unofficial coin production"? To the question presented "cast" denarius of the I - III centuries and presented on "barbaric" territories of the South-Eastern Europe (based on the materials of the inter-rivers of the Middle Dniester and Southern Bug)
Cite: Nadvirniak, O., Pohorilets, O. (2019). "Counterfeiting", "unofficial" or "unofficial coin production"? To the question presented "cast" denarius of the I - III centuries and presented on "barbaric" territories of the South-Eastern Europe (based on the materials of the inter-rivers of the Middle Dniester and Southern Bug). Ukrainian Numismatic Annual, 3, 28-41. [In Ukrainian]. |