Денежно-вещевой клад второй половины 60-х годов XVII века из окрестностей деревни Погост-Загородский (из коллекции Национального Исторического Музея Республики Беларусь, находка 1966 г. ) / Крицук Р. (2019)

English  Ukrainian Numismatic Annual   /     Issue (2019, 3)

Kritsuk R.
Monetary hoard of the second half of the 60s of the 17th century from the vicinity of the Pogost-Zagorodsky village (from the collection of the National historic museum of the Republic of Belarus, was found in 1966)

Kritsuk, R. (2019). Monetary hoard of the second half of the 60s of the 17th century from the vicinity of the Pogost-Zagorodsky village (from the collection of the National historic museum of the Republic of Belarus, was found in 1966). Ukrainian Numismatic Annual, 3, 105-113. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001088855 [In Russian].


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