"Мы не так глупы, чтобы устраивать бунты и восстания...": попытка массовой эмиграции немецкого населения из СССР в Канаду в 1929 г. / Деннингхаус В. (2020)

English  Problems of World History   /     Issue (2020, 2)

Denningkhaus V.
"We are not so Fuzzy to Build Riots and Rebellion...": Attempt of Massive Exemption of German Population from theUSSR to Canada in 1929

Denningkhaus, V. (2020). "We are not so Fuzzy to Build Riots and Rebellion...": Attempt of Massive Exemption of German Population from theUSSR to Canada in 1929. Problems of World History, 2, 53-77. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001115868 [In Russian].


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