Особливості газового режиму форми і водневої пористості виливка при розлив-процесі / Котлярський Ф. М. (2021)

English  Casting processes   /     Issue (2021, 1)

Kotliarskyi F. M.
Features of the Gas Regime of the Form and Hydrogen Porosity of the Castings During the Filling Process

Download publication will be available after 03/01/2026 р., in 353 days

Kotliarskyi, F. M. (2021). Features of the Gas Regime of the Form and Hydrogen Porosity of the Castings During the Filling Process. Casting processes, 1, 38-42. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001276179 [In Ukrainian].


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