Нові штрихи до "Автопортрета зі свічкою" Тараса Шевченка – автора "Кавказу" та "Заповіту" / Пономаренко О. (2022)

English  Folk art and ethnology   /     Issue (2022, 1)

Ponomarenko O.
New Traits to the Self-portrait with a Candle by Taras Shevchenko, the Author of the Poem Caucasus and The Testament Poetry

Ponomarenko, O. (2022). New Traits to the Self-portrait with a Candle by Taras Shevchenko, the Author of the Poem Caucasus and The Testament Poetry. Folk art and ethnology, 1, 112-123. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001377026 [In Ukrainian].


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