інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Ukrainian journal of physics
А - 2018 /
Випуск (2022, Vol. 67, № 8)
Khidirov I., Rakhmanov S. Dzh., Parpiev A. S., Makhmudov Sh. A.
Dependences of the interatomic quasielastic force coefficient and the root-mean-square amplitude of thermal vibrations of atoms on the configuration of valence electrons
Khidirov, I., Rakhmanov, S. Dzh., Parpiev, A. S., Makhmudov, Sh. A. (2022). Dependences of the interatomic quasielastic force coefficient and the root-mean-square amplitude of thermal vibrations of atoms on the configuration of valence electrons. Ukrainian journal of physics, 67 (8), 561-567. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001377577