Парадоксы советского дискурса 30-х годов: от библейской метафоры к идеологеме вождя / Модебадзе И., Цицишвили Т. (2021)

English  Problems of Literary Criticism   /     Issue (2021, 104)

Modebadze I., Tsitsishvili T.
Paradoxes of the 30s Soviet Discourse: From the Biblical Metaphor to the Ideology Representation of the Leader

Modebadze, I., Tsitsishvili, T. (2021). Paradoxes of the 30s Soviet Discourse: From the Biblical Metaphor to the Ideology Representation of the Leader. Problems of Literary Criticism, 104, 126-144. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001379262 [In Russian].


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