Chornomorska mynuvshyna / Issue (2021, 16)
Bilousova L., Hriebtsova I. Greeks in the territory of a new Homeland |Review of the monograph: Tomazov V. V. Greeks-Chians in the South of Ukraine (end of XVIII century – 1917): between traditions of national self-preservation and practices of social cultural adaptation. Kyiv : NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2020. 354 p.|
Cite: Bilousova, L., Hriebtsova, I. (2021). Greeks in the territory of a new Homeland |Review of the monograph: Tomazov V. V. Greeks-Chians in the South of Ukraine (end of XVIII century – 1917): between traditions of national self-preservation and practices of social cultural adaptation. Kyiv : NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine, 2020. 354 p.|. Chornomorska mynuvshyna , 16, 138-142. [In Ukrainian]. |