Геофизический журнал. 2010, 32 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Геофизический журнал 2010. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Autor index.
- Antsiferov A., Dovbnich M., Kanin V., Viktosenko I. The nature and prediction of regional zoning for dynamic phenomena in mines of the Donets Coal Basin. - C. 3-5.
- Astafurov S., Shilko E., Grigoriev A., Panchenko A., Psakhie S. Computer-aided investigation of fault zone deformation response to low-amplitude dynamic mechanical actions. - C. 5-6.
- Astafurov S., Shilko E., Sergeev V., Panchenko A., Psakhie S. On the influence of deformation mechanisms of different scales on regularities of response of shear fault zones under nonequiaxal compression loading. - C. 7-8.
- Azimov O. Recent stress deformation in disjunctive zones on the base of remote sensing data. - C. 8-12.
- Bakhmutov V., Solovyov V., Korchagin I., Levashov S., Yakymchuk N., Bozhezha D. Drake Passage: crustal structure, tectonic evolution and new prognosis for local HC accumulations along the Antarctic Peninsula margin. - C. 12-15.
- Belyi T., Pirnach A. Numerical modeling of cloud and precipitation evolution and its connection with entropy. - C. 15-17.
- Bobrov A., Baranov A. The effect of variable viscosity in the Earth’s mantle on the stress field of the mantle and an overlying continent, moving self-consistently due to mantle flow. - C. 17-18.
- Bogdanov Yu., Kvasnyuk A., Kobolev V., Loyko N., Rusakov O., Pavlovych V., Shuman V. First instrumental recognition of the Earth eigenmodes in radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. - C. 19-20.
- Bogdanova S., Postnikov A., Trofimov V. The exotic Volgo-Uralia: circular-and-linear structures of the crystalline crust defined by Paleoproterozoic mantle upwelling. - C. 21-23.
- Boychenko S. The scenarios of repeatability of catastrophic climatic phenomena in Europe and Ukraine under the influence of climate changes (with use of historical records and manuscripts for the last millennium). - C. 23-25.
- Burmin V. Distribution of elastic parameters in the Earth’s core 26 B. Busygin, S. Nikulin, E. Zatsepin, I. Garkusha The methodology of operative prognosis of hydrocarbons by gravity-magnetic and space data. - C. 26-28.
- Busygin B., Nikulin S., Zatsepin E., Garkusha I. The methodology of operative prognosis of hydrocarbons by gravity-magnetic and space data. - C. 26-28.
- Cao Dinh Trieu, Starostenko V., Tsvetkova T., Legostaeva O., Zaets L., Pham Nam Hung, Bui Anh Nam, Le Van Dung Lithosphere structure of Vietnam and adjacent territories based on seismic P-waves tomography and gravity. - C. 29-30.
- Danylenko V., Skurativskyy S. Autowave solutions of a nonlocal model for geophysical media taking into account the hysteretic character of their deformation. - C. 30-33.
- Diament M., Mikhailov V., Panet I., Pollitz F. What does Grace satellite mission tell us about seismic cycle?. - C. 33-34.
- Dimaki A., Shilko E., Dmitriev A., Zavsek S., Psakhie S. Numerical study of dynamic phenomena in the coal seam with taking into the account the influence of gas filtration and diffusion. - C. 34-36.
- Dovbnich M., Demianets S. Geodynamic and geotectonic position of the geoisostatic stress fields of seismic active segments of Ukraine. - C. 36-38.
- Drevitska O. The seasonal location of the core of the Earth — is an important geodynamic factor of the planet. - C. 38-39.
- Drozdovskaya A. Geoenergogenerated dynamic cataclysms as the launch mechanism of the origin and evolution of the terrestrial life. - C. 39-41.
- Dubovenko Yu., Chorna O. On the ambiguity of 4D gravity monitoring of geological media. - C. 41-46 .
- Fialko Y. Shallow coseismic slip deficit due to large (M7) strike-slip earthquakes. - C. 46-48.
- Foley B., Bercovici D., Landuyt W. The onset of plate tectonics on super-Earth’s using a damage rheology. - C. 48.
- Galvan B., Miller S. Ancient CPU-GPU simulation of evolving fracture networks in a poro-elasto-plastic medium with pressure-dependent permeability. - C. 49-50.
- Goncharov A. Thermal conductivity of the deep Earth’s minerals. - C. 50-51.
- Groza O., Groza V. Earthquake as kinetic process. - C. 51-53.
- Gryn’ D., Mukoyed N. Separation of thin layered geological medium fields. - C. 53-56.
- Gusev V. The atmosphere heating due to wideband acoustic and shock waves propagating. - C. 56-57.
- Hofmeister A. Accurate deteriminations of vibrational and radiative thermal transport in perovkite, rocksalt, and related structures. - C. 57-58.
- Jelenska M., Kadzialko-Hofmokl M., Bakhmutov V., Poliachenko I., Ziolkowski P. Identification of magnetic carriers of original and secondary NRM components recorded in Devonian sediments from Podolia, SW Ukraine. - C. 59-60.
- Kendzera A., Lisovoi Yu., Amashukeli T., Farfuliak L., Semenova Y. Lessons for Ukraine about recent strong earthquakes in the world. - C. 60-62.
- Khazan Ya., Aryasova O. Melt segregation and matrix compaction: closed governing equation set, numerical models, applications. - C. 62-65.
- Knox M., Woodward P. Interactive visualization of large-scale numerical simulations with GPU-CPU systems. - C. 65.
- Klymkovych T., Rokityansky I., Horodysky Yu., Isac A. High resolution study of temporal variations of induction vectors. - C. 66-67.
- Kobolev V., Orovetsky Yu. New system of views on the Earth structural evolution: beyond plate tectonics. - C. 67-69.
- Korchin V. Low velocity zones in the Earth’s crust. - C. 70.
- Kostuk A., Yunga S. Comparison results of geodetic and seismic assessment of the Earth's crust deformation process (by example of the Tien Shan). - C. 71-72.
- Kulik S., Burakhovich T. Electric conductivity of the Earth crust in the North-Eastern Part of the Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic Belt. - C. 72-73.
- Kurilenko V., Petrova E., Gusynina T. Towards the problem of genesis of Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk avlacogen. - C. 73-75.
- Kuskov O., Kronrod V., Prokofyev A. Constraining the composition, density and thermal state of the lithospheric mantle of the Siberian craton from inversion of seismic data. - C. 75-76.
- Kutas R. Surface heat flow and thermal structure modelling of the Lithospere in the Black Sea region. - C. 76-77.
- Kutinov Y., Chistova Z. Reflection of tectonic structures of platform cover of the North of Russian plate in atmospheric field, character of geomagnetic variations and deep’s decontamination. - C. 77-80.
- Kuzikov S. Geodetic estimations of the modern motions on Tien Shan. - C. 80-81.
- Kuzin A., Shumlyanska L. Some common features in the picture of distributions of elastic heterogeneities of the crust and upper mantle of the Northern Caucasus accordingly to the earthquake converted-wave method, the deep seismic sounding and seismology. - C. 82-83 .
- Lazarenko M., Korolev V. Neural network for seismic shaking intensity modeling. - C. 84-86.
- Liashchuk O. Technical and algorithmic complex of monitoring of the dangerous geodynamics phenomena. - C. 87-88.
- Majcin D., Bielik M., Král M. Thermal state of the West Carpathian lithosphere — measured data and modelling results. - C. 88-89.
- Majcin D., Hvoždara M., Bilcik D. Heat flow refraction on structures with conductivity contrast. - C. 90-91.
- Maksymchuk V., Horodysky Yu., Marchenko D. Secular variation of the geomagnetic field in Europe for the 1985—2005 years. - C. 91-94.
- Maksymchuk V., Orliuk M., Tregubenko V., Horodysky Y., Nakalov Y., Myasoyedov V. Results of the geomagnetic survey on the Ukrainian repeat stations network for the 2005 year epoch. - C. 94-96.
- Marchenko A., Orliuk M. 3D magnetic model of the East European Craton and its effect at near-surface and satellite heights. - C. 96-98.
- Maslov B. Dispersion and scatter of elastic waves in a pre-stressed and fractured geological medium. - C. 99-101.
- Medvedev S., “The African Plate" Working group Estimating the stresses within the lithosphere: parameter check with applications to the African Plate. - C. 101-103.
- Milanovsky S. Kola Super-deep — evidence of fluids in the Crust. - C. 103-105.
- Milanovsky S., Nikolaevskiy V. Fracturing of the Crust — Geological and Geophysical View. - C. 106.
- Morra G., Yuen D., Cammarano F. Boundary element method applied to plume dynamics. - C. 106.
- Mostovyy V., Mostovyi S. Mathematical model of ageing of natural and manmade objects in monitoring systems. - C. 107-108.
- Muraveynyk Ju. Big bang modelling in core of the Earth and origin of oil and gas. - C. 109-111.
- Mychak S., Farfuliak L. Strain state and crustal deformation in the central part of the ingul megablock of the Ukrainian Shield according to structural data on the Novoukrainka massif and the Subbottsy-Moshoryno fault zone. - C. 112-115.
- Mykulyak S. Computer modeling of nonlinear dynamic processes in structured geophysical media. - C. 115-117.
- Myrontsov N. Efficient method for solving the resistivity sounding inverse problem. - C. 117-119.
- Myrontsov N. Method for improving the spatial resolution of resistivity logging. - C. 119-121.
- Nazarevych A., Nazarevych L., Nasonkin V., Boborykina O. Extensometric researches in Ukraine: methods, instruments, results. - C. 121-123.
- Nielsen S., Petersen K., Clausen O., Stephenson R., Gerya T. Small-scale convection produces sedimentary sequences. - C. 123-124.
- Orliuk M. Nature of sources of the magnetic anomalies in the Central Depression of the Dnieper-Donets Aulacogen. - C. 124-126.
- Orliuk M., Romenets A., Sumaruk Yu., Sumaruk T. Spacial-temporal structure of the magnetic field in territory of Ukraine. - C. 126-127.
- Parphenuk O. Granitoids localization in collisional overthrust structures subject to thermal conditions-numerical modeling. - C. 128-129.
- Pavlenkova N., Pavlenkova G. Seismic structure of the upper mantle and problems of geodynamics. - C. 129-131.
- Petersen R., Stegman D. Scaling and Performance Analysis of Underworld: Towards the One Billion Particle Target. - C. 131.
- Pogorelov V., Baranov A., Alekseev R. Stress modeling in the Central Asia crust, importance of gravity stresses. - C. 131-132.
- Prykhodchenko O., Karpenko I. Main tectonic regularity in the structure of continental margins. - C. 132-134.
- Psakhie S., Shilko E., Astafurov S., Dimaki A., Ruzhich V. Model study of influence of internal stresses on deformation and seismic processes in convergent plate boundary zones by the example of Lake Baikal ice cover. - C. 134-136.
- Pysklywec R., Ellis S., Gorman A. Three-dimensional mantle lithosphere deformation at collisional plate boundaries: A subduction scissor across the South Island of New Zealand. - C. 136-137.
- Rebetsky Yu. Rocks with elasticity in mantle convection. - C. 138-139.
- Rokityansky I., Klymkovych T., Babak V., Savchenko T. Seasonal variation of induction vectors. - C. 139-143.
- Sanchez D., Yuen D., Wright G., Barnett Jr. G. High Rayleigh Number Mantle Convectionon GPU. - C. 143-144.
- Sharma A., Patil A. Observation and analysis of ULF data associated with Mb=4.5 Koyna-Warna (India) earthquake. - C. 144.
- Sharov N. Deep structure and geodynamics of the euro-arctic region. - C. 145-146.
- Shliakhovyi V., Chernyi V., Shliakhovyi V. Earth’s tidal tilt jumps and their relationship to earthquake source’s physics. - C. 146-149.
- Shumlyanska L., Tsvetkova T., Tripolsky A., Tripolska V. 3D velocity model of the crust and upper mantle of the Ukrainian Shield. - C. 150-151.
- Sobisevich L., Kanonidi K., Sobisevich A. Ultra low-frequency electromagnetic variation observed prior to development of an earthquake followed by tsunami. - C. 152-157.
- Sobisevitch L., Sobisevitch A. Study of deep underground structure of mud volcanoes in North-Western Caucasus by means of geological and geophysical methods. - C. 158.
- Sobolev E., Vysotyuk V. Current assessment and accounting of geodynamic phenomena in engineering geology with geological and geophysical methods of investigation. - C. 158-161.
- Starostenko V., Gintov O., Kutas R., Pashkevich I. Geodynamics of lithosphere as one of the crucial factors of mineral deposits formation of Ukraine. - C. 162-165.
- Starostenko V., Kazansky V., Drogitskaya G., Popov N., Tripolsky A. Deep structure and geodynamics of the Kirovograd ore district (Ukranian Shield): correlation of geological and seismic data. - C. 165-170.
- Starostenko V., Kuprienko P., Makarenko I., Legostaeva O., Savchenko A. Variations in the crustal types of the Dnieper-Donets Basin and surrounding areas from 3D gravity modelling. - C. 170-173.
- Starostenko V., Makarenko I., Rusakov O., Pashkevich I., Kutas R., Legostaeva O. Lithospheric inhomogeneity in the Black Sea from geophysical data. - C. 173-174.
- Stegman D., Schellart W., Capitanio F., Farrington R. Plate Tectonics from the Top-down. - C. 174-175.
- Suetnova E. Dynamic of gas hydrate deposits evolution under subaqueous conditions. - C. 175-176.
- Sumaruk Yu. Secular variations at Ukrainian magnetic observatories. - C. 177-179.
- Sumaruk T., Sumaruk P. Quasi-biennial variations of the solar and geomagnetic activities. - C. 179-182.
- Tackley P., Nakagawa T., Deschamps F., Connolly J. 3D Spherical models of coupled mantle thermo-chemical evolution, plate tectonics, magmatism and core evolution incorporating self-consistently calculated mineralogy. - C. 182-184.
- Timoshkina E., Mikhailov V. Induced small-scale convection in the asthenosphere in continent-continent collision zones. - C. 184-186.
- Tsvetkova T. Mantle seismic tomography beneath East-European Platform. - C. 186-188.
- Tyapkin K., Dovbnich M. The disturbances of the equilibrium state of the rotating Earth and the physical nature of its tectonic activations and modern earthquakes: generality and differences. - C. 188-189.
- Tiapkina O., Polunin O. High-quality seismic imaging and interpretation of prospective features in a thrust zone of onshore Ukraine. - C. 189-192.
- Usenko O. Heat flow pattern and fault structures in Donbas. - C. 192-195.
- Vakhnenko V., Vakhnenko O., TenCate J., Shankland T. Modeling of the nonlinear resonant response in sedimentary rocks. - C. 195-197.
- Vengrovich D. Computer simulation related to salt tectonics in the Dnieper-Donets basin. - C. 198-200.
- Vengrovich D., Starostenko V., Danylenko V. Digital modeling of the rift processes in the Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine. - C. 200-202.
- Verpakhovska A., Pylypenko V., Pylypenko O. Possibilities of seismic migration for interpretation of wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles. - C. 202-203.
- Vladimirov V. Hydrodynamic-type model of relaxing media. - C. 204.
- Yegorova T., Yanovskaya T., Gobarenko V., Baranova E. Lithosphere structure of the Black Sea basin from seismic tomography and 3D gravity analysis. - C. 204-206.
- Yuen D., Tosi N., Cadek O. Important influences of depth-dependent lower-mantle properties on the formation of a plume-fed asthenosphere in the upper mantle. - C. 206.
- Zagorodnya S., Novik M., Radchuk I., Shevyakina N. Current methods of assessment of the Kremechutskiy reservoir basin within Cherkassy region: Research of the ecological state of Kremenchug reservoir within Cherkassy region by ERS methods. - C. 207-210.
- Zaiets L., Tsvetkova T., Bugaienko I., Shumlanskaya L. Influence of surroundings features on the velocity structure of mantle under South-East Asia from data of seismic tomography. - C. 210-212.
- Zankevich B., Shafranska N. On the problem of correlation between the faults of the Ukrainian Shield and mantle fault zones. - C. 212-213.
- Harris A., Kincaid Ch. What is a "Typical” Mantle Plume?. - C. 214.
- Karpeev D. GPU support for sparse matrix calculations in PETSc, with applications to nonlinear Stokes. - C. 214-215.
- McArthur E., Weiss R., Yuen D., Knox M. WebViz: A web-based collaborative interactive visualization system for largescale data sets. - C. 215-216.
- Rustad J. Molecular Paleoclimatology: Quantum Chemistry and the History of the Earth’s Atmosphere. - C. 216-217.
- Lapusta N. Interaction of earthquakes and slow slip: Insights from fault models governed by lab-derived friction laws. - C. 217.
- Sakuraba A. Numerical simulations of short-timescale geomagnetic field variations. - C. 217-218.