Experimental oncology. 2015, 37 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Experimental oncology 2015. Вип. 4 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Zavadskaya Т. S. Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of glioma. - C. 234-241.
- Jain M. An overview on "cellular cannibalism” with special reference to oral squamous cell carcinoma. - C. 242-245.
- Buchynska L. G., Iurchenko N. P., Verko N. P., Nekrasov K. A., Kashuba V. I. FOXP3 gene promoter methylation in endometrial cancer cells. - C. 246-249.
- Shton I. O., Sarnatskaya V. V., Prokopenko I. V., Gamaleia N. F. Chlorin e6 combined with albumin nanoparticles as a potential composite photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy of tumors. - C. 250-254.
- Sarnatskaya V. V., Nikolaev V. G., Yushko L. A., Paziuk L. M., Karaman O.M., Fedosova N. I., Kolesnik D. L., Dasyukevich O. I., Gorbik G. V., Maslenny V. N., Solyanik G. I. Effect of enterosorption on paraneoplastic syndrome manifestations in mice with highly angiogenic variant of lewis lung carcinoma. - C. 255-261.
- Zaletok S., Gulua L., Wicker L., Shlyakhovenko V., Gogol S., Orlovsky O., Karnaushenko O., Verbinenko A., Milinevska V., Samoylenko O., Todor I., Turmanidze T. Green tea, red wine and lemon extracts reduce experimental tumor growth and cancer drug toxicity. - C. 262-271.
- Buchynska L. G., Brieieva O. V., Nekrasov K. A., Nespryadko S. V. The study of mismatch repair in endometrial cancer patients with a family history of cancer. - C. 272-276.
- Dumanskiy Yu. V., Stoliarova O. Yu., Syniachenko O. V., Iegudina E. D. Endothelial dysfunction of vessels at lung cancer. - C. 277-280.
- Kemal Y., Demirag G., Teker F., Kut E., Kefeli M., Ekiz K., Yucel I. High body-mass index is not associated with worse clinicopathological characteristics in predominantly obese breast cancer patients. - C. 281-284.
- Kolesnik O., Lukashenko A., Shudrak A., Golovko T., Lavryk G., Huralevych J. Intraoperative ultrasonography in pancreatic surgery: staging and resection guidance. - C. 285-291.
- Ustinova M., Daneberga Z., Berzina D., Nakazawa-Miklasevica M., Maksimenko J., Gardovskis J., Miklasevics E. Impact of KRAS variant rs61764370 on breast cancer morbidity. - C. 292-294.
- Meleshko A. N., Kharuzhyk S. A., Piatrouskaya N. A. Response monitoring in follicular lymphoma by synchronous evaluation of minimal residual disease and diffusion-weighted MRI. - C. 295-297.
- Lakota J., Gocarova K., Spanik S. Treatment of metastatic head and neck cancer with mesenchymal stem cells combined with prodrug gene therapy. - C. 298.
- Authors index to volume 37 (2015). - C. 299.
- Subject index to volume 37 (2015). - C. 301.
- Acknowledgement. - C. 303.