Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. 2015, 37 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Металлофизика и новейшие технологии 2015. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Mitsek O. I., Pushkar V. M. The Symmetry of Rare-Earth Metals. The Paradox of Ce and Its Alloys. Quantum Theory. I. Ce. - C. 433-448.
- Karasevskii A. I., Lubashenko V. V. Excessive Pressure in the Subsurface Layer in a Crystal. - C. 449-454.
- Zaginaichenko S. Yu., Matysina Z. A., Schur D. V., Zaritskii D. A., Polischuk M. A. The Statistical-Thermodynamic Theory of P—c—T-Dependences for Zirconium—Nickel Alloy Trihydride ZrNiH3. - C. 455-473.
- Shirinyan A. S. Concept of Size-Dependent Atomic Interaction Energies for Solid Nanomaterials: Thermodynamic and Diffusion Aspects. - C. 475-486.
- Makogon Yu. M., Pavlova O. P., Sidorenko S. I., Verbytska T. I., Verbytska M. Yu., Fihurna O. V. Influence of Copper on А1 to L10 Phase Transformation in Nanoscale Fe50Pt50 Films. - C. 487-498.
- Rudenko E. M., Korotash I. V., Polotskiy D. Y., Osipov L. S., Dyakin M. V., Prikhna T. A., Shapovalov A. P. Formation of Nanostructured Relief of TiN—Fe Heterostructures in Hybrid Helicon-Arc Plasma Reactor. - C. 499-508.
- Shalaev R. V. Gas-Phase Synthesis of Film Structures of Ni—N System. - C. 509-519.
- Ivanchenko V. G., Dekhtyarenko V. A., Pryadko T. V. Hydrogen Sorption Properties of Ti0.475Zr0.3Mn0.225 Eutectic Alloy Alloyed with 2 at.% and 5 at.% of Vanadium. - C. 521-530.
- Tkachenko I. F., Uniyat M. A. Influence of Heat Treatment on Spatial Distribution of Chemical Elements in Welding Microalloyed Steels. - C. 531-537.
- Srinivasa Rao G., Subba Rao V. V., Koteswara Rao S. R. Microstructure and Salt Fog Corrosion Behaviour of AA2219 Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Alloy. - C. 539-554.
- Skakunova O. S. Static Krivoglaz—Debye—Waller Factor for Spherical New-Phase Particles. - C. 555-558.
- Savvakin D. G., Oryshych D. V. Evolution of Phase Composition and Microstructure upon Synthesis of Zr—Sn Alloy from Zirconium Hydride and Tin Powders. - C. 559-569.
- Varyukhin V. M., Pashinska O. G., Tkachenko V. M., Burkhovetskii V. V., Zavdoveev A. V. Structural Modification of AD-1 Aluminium Alloy by the Method of Cold Rolling with Shift. - C. 571-579.