Mathematical modeling and computing. 2014, 1 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2014. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Andriychuk M. I., Bulatsyk O. O., Voytovych M. M. Applying the concept of generating polynomials to the antenna synthesis problem by power criterion. - C. 121-134.
- Bomba A. Ya., Safonyk A. P. Identification of mass-transfer coefficient in spatial problem of filtration. - C. 135-143.
- Chekurin V. F. Integral photoelasticity relations for inhomogeneously strained dielectrics. - C. 144-155.
- Demkiv L. I. Research of dynamic system with unstable subsystem that has one root in the right half-plane. - C. 156-162.
- Karlash V. L. Modeling of the energy-loss piezoceramic resonators by electric equivalent networks with passive elements. - C. 163-177.
- Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., TokarchukR. M., Tokarchuk M. V., Chernomorets Yu. I. Statistical description of electro-diffusion processes of ions intercalation in "electrolyte – electrode” system. - C. 178-194.
- Limarchenko O. S., Cattani C., Pilipchuk V. Structure of geometrical nonlinearities in problems of liquid sloshing in tanks of non-cylindrical shape. - C. 195-213.
- Nahirnyj T. S., Senyk Y. A., Tchervinka K. A. Modeling local non-homogeneity in electroconductive non-ferromagnetic thermoelastic solid. - C. 214-223.
- Prytula N. M., Gryniv O. D., Dmytruk V. A. Simulation of nonstationary regimes of gas transmission systems operation. - C. 224-233.
- Rashkevych Yu., Peleshko D., Pelekh I., Izonin I. Speech signal marking on the base of local magnitude and invariant segmentation. - C. 234-244.
- Rushchitsky J. J. On three facts of reticences in the classical mathematical modeling of elastic materials. - C. 245-255.
- Sukhorolsky M. Solution of Helmholtz’s equation in the plane with an elliptical hole. - C. 256-263.
- Vavrukh M., Tyshko N., Smerechynskyj S. Interparticle interactions, general relativity effects, and critical parameters of white dwarfs. - C. 264-283.
- Zhuk Y. A., Kashtalyan M. Influence of microstructural transformation on quasistatic and dynamic thermomechanical response of thermally loaded disk. - C. 284-293.